
There are three ways in which your teaching is evaluated. Evaluations and observations reinforce Silberman’s dual goals of supporting the instructor’s professional development and enhancing the quality of education provided to our students.

The information gathered from the evaluations and observation will provide you with insights into modifying or re-designing your course, and will help the school provide you with supports as needed.

Faculty Observations (peer observation in class or online)
All non-tenured members of the faculty are observed each semester. This process provides you with an opportunity, in collaboration with the observer, to reflect on your course design and teaching practices. The goal is to provide you with practical and actionable information to make improvements to your course and your teaching.

For more detailed information about this process, please visit the SSSW Faculty & Staff Organization site on Blackboard.  If you do not have access to this site, please contact Irene Vargas (evargas@hunter.cuny.edu).

Midsemester Evaluation (midsemester student evaluations of course and instructor)
The internal midsemester evaluation is an unofficial opportunity for you to gauge how your course is progressing – are your students learning what you thought they were learning and do they have any constructive feedback on making improvements? Collecting midsemester evaluations also reduces any surprises in your end of semester evaluations.

The midsemester evaluation is strongly recommended for all Silberman faculty and adjuncts, however, the results are only for you. You decide if you want to share this information with your chair or your students.

The midsemester evaluation form is located in SSSW Faculty & Staff Organization site on Blackboard.

Teacher Evaluations (end of semester student evaluations of course and instructor)
At the end of each semester, students are asked to complete teacher evaluation forms. The primary purpose is for you to learn about the student experience in your course and reflect on how you may change the course for future semesters.

For information on teacher evaluations (e.g. where to access evaluations/what to tell students), please download this document.

MSW Program Evaluation
In an effort to continuously improve our MSW Program, we ask that you complete an assessment for each student in your Foundation and/or Advanced course. This assessment is linked to CSWE core competencies and practice behaviors and will be emailed to you shortly before each semester ends.